The Real Estate Market in Florida

The housing market in the U.S. is still booming, especially in Florida. Florida has remained a hot seller’s market since the beginning of the pandemic. Like other parts of the country, the Sunshine State enjoyed rising home values as buyer demand increased. Experts say some trends will remain statewide:

Increasing Sales Prices

Most experts project increasing sales prices across most Florida housing markets.

Population Growth

Net migration to the Sunshine State is predicted to continue over the next five years at 1.5 percent per year. People over the age of 55 are expected to make up 53.2 percent of those moving to Florida from other parts of the U.S.

Qualified Immigration

International qualified immigrants are investing money in Central Florida so there is a lot of business and investment in real estate and other things. 

Most of Florida is seeing continued growth in home values, sales prices, and housing demands. Homes are selling faster and for more money than they did before the pandemic. 

Homebuilders betting Florida’s growth over the past year wasn’t just a fluke of the pandemic. The state saw more metro areas with major increases in building permits for single-family houses than any other state. Some cities are becoming more acceptable and even desirable. Rapid home sales have been encouraging developers to start projects in Central Florida.

Growth in areas outside Orlando makes sense, as larger amounts of land are available for big housing projects. According to a specialist, “people are excited about Central Florida in general. It’s more noticeable in areas that have a lower base of new permits to begin with.”

Commercial real estate market is also a good bet. After all, the economy continues to recover from the pandemic, making space for more business. 

It’s a good time to invest in Florida’s real estate market in general.

Great opportunities for investors

The real estate market is a great alternative for investors who seek good profitability and low risks, especially in this scenario.  

2BTRUST and Solid Development, seeking transparency and security, created the Solid Capital Fund, LP, under professional management and licenced by the SEC (Security Exchange Commission). 

The investor acts as a residential or commercial project financer nationwide. The property is the real guarantee of the investment.

We follow the best practices of the North American market.

How it works?

The investment is made in shares of the Solid Capital Fund, LP starting at US$ 50,000.00 (fifty thousand US dollars). 

Solid Capital Fund, LP is a “Private Equity” fund registered with the SEC under regulation D 506 (C). There is no public distribution and its shares are not traded on the secondary market. It follows the specific regulations for this vehicle in the United States under the terms of the PPM (Private Placement Memorandum), available on the 2BTRUST platform.

Minimum Investiment

US$ 50,000.00

Minimum Term

12 Months

Expected Return

7.5% p.y.

Operation performance

1. The investor, individual or legal entity, registers on the 2BTRUST platform at

2. After 2BTRUST’s compliance approval, the client selects the Solid Capital, LP fund to make its investment. All contracts are electronically signed both by customer and General Partner.

3. In the payment (financial settlement) and conversion of shares, the investor has his participation registered on the platform and starts to receive the proper profitability.

4. The investment’s backing is the land object of construction duly alienated in favor of the fund.

5. The General Partner (2BTRUST Capital GP, INC) releases the funds required to carry out the work according to the physical schedule financial, maintaining the completeness of guarantees for the safety of investors.

6. The financial instrument between the fund and Solid Development generates an interest paid by the construction company that will be distributed monthly inthe form of dividends to the investors.

7. Upon completion of the work and sale of the properties, the resource returns to the fund with a consequent return capital to investors.


2BTRUST is a real estate investment platform that gives investors direct access to individual commercial real estate investment opportunities, allowing you to personally review, compare and choose deals that meet your own investment criteria. Our managed funds offer the same level of access, but we’ll take care of the portfolio, making it even easier to invest.